
Tooth extractions

Extraction, in simple terms, means the removal of a tooth. An extraction can be needed if you have severe decay, serious infection, or simply have overcrowded teeth. Your dentist at Shelburne Smile Centre is will assess your situation to determine if you require an extraction.

WISDOM TEETH - do you need them removed?

Wisdom teeth are third molars that sometimes present problems. They can come in and, if they don’t have enough space, cause pain and get trapped in the underlying bone and gums.

If you’re having pain at the back of your mouth, your wisdom teeth may be coming! Call us today to learn more about wisdom tooth extractions.

Dental extraction


A dental extraction is a process of removing a tooth.

At Shelburne Smile Centre, our team of dental professionals are experienced in dealing with dental emergencies, whether it is a simple dental extraction or an extraction of an impacted tooth. The condition of your tooth will be checked and then the dentist will make a customized treatment plan for you.

Procedure for a dental extraction at Shelburne Smile Centre

There are two possibilities with dental extractions: It can either be a simple extraction, or a surgical extraction.. depending on whether your tooth is visible or impacted.

Your dentist will give a local anaesthetic, which will numb the site around your tooth, so you'll feel only pressure during the procedure without any pain. The dentist at Shelburne Smile Centre will then use a specific instrument to loosen the tooth, and finally remove the tooth with forceps. Subsequently, the dentist will explain the post-surgical instructions verbally and in writing - to keep the area infection-free after the procedure.

What treatment options are recommended after dental extraction?

After the successful extraction of your tooth, you may need an additional procedure to fill the gap and restore your smile. Your dentist at Shelburne Smile Centre will examine the extraction site for the healing process and advise you about your options for your healthy, functional, and beautiful smile.

Contact us today if you are looking at having a dental extraction. We would be happy to serve you!

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