
Sedation (Sleep) Dentistry

The accessibility of sedation during dental appointments can have a positive effect on patients who are anxious about the dentist, or avoid dental treatment due to bad past experiences. At Shelburne Smile Centre, sedation may be an option for you.

We will consult you at Shelburne Smile Centre to determine if sedation dentistry is an option for you.

Call us today to learn more.

What is sleep dentistry?

Nervous about the dentist? We understand that some people experience high levels of anxiety just thinking about visiting the dentist. Sleep dentistry or Sedation dentistry makes it possible for you to relax while we complete your dental work. At Shelburne Smile Centre we offer several different levels of sedation based on your unique needs.

Four Levels of Sedation

There are several levels of sedation we provide at Shelburne Smile Centre.

  • Minimal Sedation: you will be relaxed and awake throughout the dental procedure 
  • Moderate Sedation: This was also known as conscious sedation which is categorized by loss of memory and slurred speech.
  • Deep Sedation: This is usually at the borderline of consciousness but still awake.
  • General Anaesthesia: it refers to complete unconscious during the procedure. You will not remember anything that occurred while undergoing the dental procedure.

If you have anxiety and seem to avoid your dentist, then sedation dentistry might be for you. Contact Shelburne Smile Centre to learn more today.

Call Us Today To Learn More About Our Sedation Dentistry Options.

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